As the author of “Educational Continuity During Uncertainty: Online Learning Considerations for Educators,” Singh provides considerations educators can use to achieve continuity with students, parents, and families during online learning. Her book has been praised as a vital resource as so many parents and teachers turn to virtual learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Author
Michelle Singh

Educational Continuity During Uncertainty: Online Learning Considerations for Educators
Educational Continuity During Uncertainty is a resource created by a teacher just for teachers. This book offers valuable research-based strategies educators can employ to tackle remote, distance, hybrid, or blended learning. It starts by defining five continuities educators can use to achieve continuity with their students, parents, and families during online learning.

Wild & Wonderful: Meeting Abby (Wild & Wonderful: The Story of Abby)
The Wild and Wonderful series includes children’s books in memory of the first pet of a then nine-year-old girl, Chanda. Abby was rescued from a hoarder by the local animal shelter. She was one of the fifty-something animals kept in a filthy place. Abby had a dark past, but her beautiful personality shone every day as a member of Chanda’s family. Abby came from the worst possible place before being adopted, but she showed her family nothing but love, kindness, and happiness. The memories Chanda shares about her wild and wonderful dog Abby inspire her always to be kind and love others, no matter what.

Educational Continuity During Uncertainty: Online Learning Considerations for Educators:The Educator Workbook
Educational Continuity During Uncertainty: The Educator Workbook offers a place for educators to document their findings on the impact and implications of the five continuities, which are (1) social, (2) familial, (3) emotional, (4) cognitive, and (5) academic. Educators can reflect on the continuity principles that cultivate successful teaching and learning in online, virtual, hybrid, distance, or remote settings. Educators can identify continuity examples they can apply to synchronous and asynchronous teaching and learning. Lastly, educators can evaluate and update valuable and timely technology tools.

Your Voice Matters
Michelle Singh is a contributing author to this anthology. It is a compilation of written offerings that is 100% the authentic expression of each contributing author. Each work is published as it was received– unedited, unfiltered, raw– pure from their hearts and lives. Stirred by the racial justice protests of 2020, these authors had something they wanted to share with the World.